HighForce Planetary Rack & Pinion Drive Systems

We are pleased to introduce our new range of HighForce Precision Planetary Rack & Pinion Drive Systems.  There are three different planetary drive systems available, with helical or straight (spur) rack & pinions, to meet any application requirements.

HighForce ZTRSHighForce ZTRS

For ultra-precise applications with thrust forces up to 28,000 lb., the HighForce ZTRS rack & pinion drive systems are very well suited.  These drives, which are available in five sizes with backlash levels down to one arc-minute, can handle highly dynamic and heavy loads.  They utilize precision planetary reducers with an integral output housing and outboard bearing to provide a rigid support of the output pinion.

By adding an output bearing housing, the tilting moment capacity of the flanged planetary reducer is dramatically increased.  Also, the unique design of the pinion allows for smaller pitch diameters, which decreases the torque on the reducer.  Because of these design enhancements, a smaller reducer can typically be used.

HighForce ZTR & ZRHighForce ZTR & ZR

For precise applications with thrust forces up to 12,000 lb., the HighForce ZTR and ZR rack & pinion drive systems are now available.  These drives, which are available in seven sizes with backlash levels down to one arc-minute, are similar to the ZTRS drive systems but without the outboard bearing support.

The drive pinions are flange mounted to the reducer output, providing tight integration of the driven load, while allowing replacement of the pinion if needed.

For more economical and lighter duty applications with thrust forces up to 4,500 lb., planetary reducers with solid output shafts are also available for mounting bored pinions directly via keyways or compression couplings.

These drives are perfect for a wide range of applications, such as traveling gantries & columns, pick & place robots, machine tools, CNC routers and material handling systems.  Zero backlash rack & pinion drive systems are also possible by using two reducers to share driving the load during acceleration while removing the axis backlash to ensure precise positioning.  Applications for these systems can be found in the Material Handling, Automation, Aerospace, Woodworking, Machine Tool and Robotics industries.

  • System Precision
  • HighForce ZTRS System
  • HighForce ZTR & ZR System

The system accuracy, including the pitch error and backlash, can be found below:

System Precision
Rack Type & Class: Rack Quality
Rack Pitch Error: Rack & Pinion
Minimum Backlash:*
High Hardened & Ground
DIN 4 to 6
(~AGMA 12+)
< 0.012 to 0.036 mm
per meter
0.02 mm

*The rack and pinion backlash depends on the alignment of the rack to the linear guides.

There are three levels of precision for the hardened & ground racks, with rack pitch error ranging from 0.012 mm to 0.036 mm per meter length depending on which rack is used.  Follow this link for more information on our Precision Racks.


Our HighForce ZTR & ZR Rack & Pinion Drive Systems utilize our Precision Planetary Reducers with an ISO 9409-1 output flange to provide a rigid support for a hardened & ground helical pinion.  This provides tight integration of the driven load while allowing replacement of the pinion if needed.  These systems are available in seven sizes with backlash levels down to one arc-minute and ratios from 4:1 to 100:1.

The maximum drive force that each system can handle (with safety factor 1.0) is listed below; this should be compared to the application peak force, which can be calculated here, or by filling out our Application Sheet.

Please click on the table values for PDF specifications:

Reducer Size: Rack & Pinion
# of Pinion
Maximum Drive
Maximum Linear Speed
with 3,000 rpm Motor:
7 2 23 3,900 lb. 4,528 in/min
2 29 4,200 lb. 5,709 in/min
3 17 5,000 lb. 5,020 in/min
8 3 26 6,500 lb. 7.677 in/min
3 32 6,600 lb. 9,449 in/min
4 20 10,500 lb. 7,874 in/min
5 16 10,000 lb. 7,874 in/min
9 5 20 13,100 lb. 3,281 in/min
6 16 15,000 lb. 3,150 in/min
6 20 17,600 lb. 3,937 in/min
8 15 17,600 lb. 3,937 in/min
10 8 19 20,900 lb. 4,987 in/min
10 15 21,100 lb. 4,921 in/min
10+ 8 19 27,800 lb. 4,987 in/min
10 15 28,200 lb. 4,921 in/min

*Force ratings do not include any safety factors. Maximum drive forces vary depending on gearbox ratio selected.


Another method to remove the backlash at the rack & pinion is to use two motor/reducer assemblies with dual pinions operating on the same rack in a master/slave setup.

One pinion drives the axis (the "master") while the second pinion is "preloaded" to remove the backlash (the "slave"). The preload is created electronically with a special motor controller; these systems can also be set up to drive together during cycle times when backlash is not critical.

Our new HighForce Planetary Drives, which can handle highly dynamic and heavy loads, are perfect for these applications. These reducers have backlash levels down to one arc-minute and ratios from 4:1 to 100:1.

The maximum drive force that each system can handle (with safety factor 1.0) is listed below; this should be compared to the application peak force, which can be calculated here, or by filling out our Application Sheet.

For dimensions, please click on the "Reducer Size" in the left column.

Reducer Size: Rack & Pinion
Pinion: # of Pinion
Maximum Drive
Maximum Linear Speed
with 3,000 rpm Motor:
3 2 78.20.526 26 495 lb. 5,118 in/min
2 78.20.527 27 495 lb. 5,315 in/min
4 2 78.21.912 12 1,237 lb. 2,362 in/min
2 78.21.916 16 1,237 lb. 3,150 in/min
2 78.21.533 33 835 lb. 6,496 in/min
2 78.20.536 36 765 lb. 7,087 in/min
2 78.21.537 37 744 lb. 7,283 in/min
5 2 78.22.912 12 1,686 lb. 787 in/min
2 78.22.919 19 1,686 lb. 1,247 in/min
2 78.22.923 23 1,686 lb. 1,509 in/min
2 78.22.540 40 1,686 lb. 2,625 in/min
2 78.22.545 45 1,507 lb. 2,953 in/min
3 78.32.912 12 1,686 lb. 1,181 in/min
3 78.32.914 14 1,686 lb. 1,378 in/min
3 78.30.530 30 1,507 lb. 2,953 in/min
7 2 78.23.912 12 3,147 lb. 1,509 in/min
2 78.23.923 23 3,147 lb. 1,509 in/min
2 78.23.929 29 3,147 lb. 1,903 in/min
3 78.33.912 12 2,825 lb. 1,181 in/min
3 78.33.916 16 3,597 lb. 1,575 in/min
3 78.33.919 19 3,597 lb. 1,870 in/min
3 78.33.535 35 2,825 lb. 3,445 in/min
3 78.33.540 40 2,472 lb. 3,937 in/min
4 78.43.912 12 3,597 lb. 1,575 in/min
4 78.40.530 30 2,472 lb. 3,937 in/min
8 3 78.34.912 12 2,825 lb. 1,181 in/min
3 78.34.919 19 5,725 lb. 1,870 in/min
3 78.34.926 26 6,070 lb. 2,559 in/min
3 78.34.932 32 6,070 lb. 3,150 in/min
4 78.44.912 12 5,385 lb. 1,575 in/min
4 78.44.917 17 6,295 lb. 2,231 in/min
4 78.44.919 19 6,295 lb. 2,493 in/min
4 78.44.520 20 6,295 lb. 2,625 in/min
5 78.44.512 12 6,295 lb. 1,969 in/min
5 78.44.516 16 6,295 lb. 2,625 in/min
5 78.54.918 18 6,295 lb. 2,953 in/min
6 78.64.912 12 6,295 lb. 2,362 in/min
6 78.64.913 13 6,295 lb. 2,559 in/min
6 78.64.915 15 6,295 lb. 2,953 in/min
4 78.46.912 12 5,385 lb. 1,575 in/min
4 78.46.919 19 10,594 lb. 2,493 in/min
4 78.46.920 20 11,016 lb. 2,625 in/min
5 78.56.914 14 8,476 lb. 2,297 in/min
5 78.56.918 18 11,466 lb. 2,953 in/min
5 78.56.919 19 11,466 lb. 3,117 in/min
5 78.56.920 20 11,466 lb. 3,281 in/min
6 78.66.912 12 8,829 lb. 2,362 in/min
6 78.66.915 15 12,815 lb. 2,953 in/min
6 78.66.916 16 12,815 lb. 3,150 in/min
5 78.57.912 12 6,357 lb. 1,969 in/min
5 78.57.919 19 12,815 lb. 3,117 in/min
6 78.67.912 12 8,829 lb. 2,362 in/min
6 78.67.916 16 12,815 lb. 3,150 in/min
8 78.87.912 12 12,815 lb. 3,150 in/min
8 Please consult the factory!

* Force ratings do not include any safety factors. Higher forces are possible depending on gearbox ratio selected.